What is the time commitment involved in participating in the project?
We expect from collaborators to carry out sampling on May 22nd 2024, or within 2 weeks around this date, to execute sampling following our sampling protocol, to receive and send samples and sampling equipment from ETH Zurich, to engage in a Nagoya Protocol compliant contract for the collaboration.
Each local partner is required to sample at least one lake. To ensure effective coordination and inclusive participation, we aim to limit the assignment of lakes to each partner to a range of 1 to 3. Exceptions may be considered in special cases.
Will there be a collaboration/research agreement?
Collaborations with local partners will be solidified by establishing agreements with the foundation for the collaboration.
What support will be provided for language barriers during collaboration?
Main communication will be done in English. However, we will be able to communicate in other languages, including Portuguese, Spanish, French, German and Italian.
Can I participate as an individual or does it require a team from my organization?
You can participate as an individual or as part of a team from an organization.
Is prior experience in eDNA sampling required?
No prior experience is required. Our eDNA sampling protocol has been designed to ensure its applicability in lakes worldwide by researchers and citizen scientists alike, and training materials will be provided.
Will training be provided for the sampling process?
Yes, we will provide you with training materials, which will include a comprehensive step-by-step protocol with photos and a video.
We are planning a few webinars to present and discuss the sampling, for which we will try to accommodate the different time zones of the +75 countries involved in this initiative. Individual meetings may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
What will eDNA sampling entail?
eDNA sampling of one lake will entail the filtration of a total of 30 L of surface water from the shoreline distributed by up to 10 different sampling sites around the lake, focusing on locations near the main rivers or streams inflowing into the lake and on the outflow of the lake. A step-by-step protocol will be provided soon. Please see our section "Sampling scheme."
What equipment will I need for lake sampling?
Each local partner will receive a sampling kit per lake, which comprises all material needed for sampling eDNA from one lake (plastic container to collect water, filtration system consisting of filter housing system, filter, hand pump, tubing and connectors, and preservation buffer for the sample). Please see our section "What is in your sampling kit?"
Do I need a boat for the sampling process?
No boat is required.
Are there any specific safety considerations or guidelines for sampling?
Soon we will provide a Safety guide for safety considerations and our sampling protocol.
Are there any restrictions or permits required for sampling in certain regions?
We are contacting with government entities in each country responsible for Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) regulations to ensure thorough preparation of all necessary export and import documentation. Our aim is to simplify this process for our local partners.
Each Local Partner needs to be aware of sampling restrictions and sampling permits required for their own country or region.
What if it will be impossible to sample on May 22nd, 2024?
We are open to adjusting the sampling schedule within a few weeks around the date of May 22nd, 2024. However, keep in mind that potential delays, like customs processing, could mean we proceed without samples that are not back in Switzerland by end of August, in line with project deadlines.
Is there a specific deadline for submitting the collected samples?
While we want to accommodate the sampling schedule within a few weeks around the date of May 22nd, 2024. However, keep in mind that potential delays, like customs processing, could mean we proceed without samples that are not back in Switzerland by end of August, in line with project deadlines.
How will the collected samples be processed and analyzed?
eDNA samples will be processed and analyzed at ETH Zurich. Please, see further details in our section LeDNA workflow.
How will the project ensure data quality and consistency across different sampling locations?
We recognize the potential challenges related to data quality in projects that rely on various local partners for sample collection. To address these concerns, we have implemented several measures. Firstly, all our local partners will be equipped with standardized sampling kits, ensuring uniformity in equipment, including filters, filtration systems, and preservation buffers. These materials will share identical specifications, such as filter material, mesh size, and reagents from the same manufacturers across all lakes. Comprehensive training materials will be provided to our partners, featuring a step-by-step sampling protocol complete with photos and a video illustrating the assembly of the filtration system and the environmental DNA sampling process. The sampling protocol is designed to accommodate individuals with varying levels of experience. Following the collection, all samples will be sent to ETH Zurich for centralized processing, encompassing DNA extraction, sequencing, and data analysis. This centralized approach ensures consistent and high-throughput procedures. Additionally, we have established stringent quality control processes, including cross-checking samples and validating results through multiple rounds of analysis. Through transparency and accountability, we aim to guarantee that the collected data are of high quality and significantly contribute to our understanding of global biodiversity trends.
Will I or our team have access to the research findings or be acknowledged as contributor(s)?
Will I or our team have access to the results of the analysis from our area and other areas?
Our vision entails making data from each lake accessible to the person or group that has conducted the sampling of that lake. This will happen after we receive and analyze the sequencing data. Depending on the expertise of the person or group, this could involve sharing the raw .fastq files or a list of species following our bioinformatic analyses. Upon completion of the project and the “global study's publication”, all data will be made publicly available on an online platform.
Will I or our team be able to use this data for our publications?
Each local partner will have access to data obtained from the lake(s) they sampled, following the conditions of national legislation. Local partners will have the opportunity to explore and apply the data for their one purposes (monitoring, conservation, research, etc.), use it and share it. They will also have the opportunity to collaborate between them.
Will there be any opportunities for collaboration or networking with other collaborators?
We have planned our scientific publications with the global dataset. Local partners will have the opportunity to contribute as authors on our scientific publications and to engage in a global network. Each local partner will have access to data obtained from the lake(s) they sampled, following the conditions of national legislation. Local partners will have the opportunity to explore and apply the data for their one purposes (monitoring, conservation, research, etc.), use it and share it. Local Partners will also have the opportunity to collaborate between them.
What are the criteria for authorship in publications resulting from the project?
Authorship shall be attributed according to established academic standards, following the external page ICMJE guidelines on group authorship. Authors are expected to fulfil the criteria below, adopted from the external page CRediT Taxonomy to describe each author’s individual contributions to the work:
• Investigation: Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the sampling and data collection.
• Administration: Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, specifically applying for necessary permits and coordination of sampling and data collection.
• Funding and Resources: Acquisition of financial or resources support to facilitate the sampling activities.
• Formal Analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyse or synthesize study data, especially engaging in data analysis or data interpretation.
• Validation: Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall reproducibility of results and other research outputs.
• Writing – Review & Editing: Critical review, commentary, or revision – including pre- or post-publication stages;
• Approve the submitted version (and any substantially modified version that involves the author’s contribution to the study);
• Agree to be personally accountable for the author’s own contributions and for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which the author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and documented in the literature.
Local Partners who do not meet the criteria for authorship will be listed in the acknowledgments section, accompanied by a brief indication of the nature of their contribution.
Local Partners will have access to the data of the lake(s) they sampled and will retain the right to freely use and publish that data. While we are open to contributing, we do not stipulate authorship for such publications.
How many authors can contribute from each research group?
We do not set a strict limit on the number of authors from each research group. However, the number of authors should be within reason, considering the extent of contribution and the number of sampled lakes. For instance, while there is no specific cap, a maximum of two authors per group may be appropriate for the sampling of one or two lakes. However, it is important that the number of authors reflects the level of contribution and adherence to the authorship guidelines outlined in our criteria.
Is there ongoing financial support towards logistics for sampling?
We want to ensure a smooth process and understand any specific requirements or arrangements that may be necessary. Kindly send to hest-um-ledna@ethz.ch more details regarding logistics support, clarifying what it would entail, and the costs associated with it. Financial support will be accessed case-by-case. However, priority will be given to countries on the Download list of developing countries (PDF, 204 KB) eligible for official development assistance.