
We have launched a call for collaborations, inviting global partners to join our global biodiversity sampling (see LeDNA timeline). Collaborations with local partners will be solidified by establishing agreements with the foundation for the collaboration.

The global biodiversity sampling will happen on the International Day for Biological Diversity 2024 (May 22nd, 2024). Sampling on a single day will allow to synchronize temporal data, offering a comprehensive view of biodiversity changes globally. This allows to minimize bias, ensuring directly comparable data across diverse locations and countries. It also enables real-time analysis of local environmental impacts on biodiversity, fostering global collaboration and engagement.
This synchronized effort maximizes the impact of outreach and communication globally. However, recognizing the diverse locations and commitments of our local partners, we extend the sampling window around May 22nd. This flexibility allows partners to align their participation with their schedules and accommodate the sampling of multiple lakes.